Monday, May 14, 2007

Capistrano Off the Beaten Path


If you use Capistrano, most likely you use it to deploy rails applications by running it from the project directory. The plugem management tool piggy-backs on Capistrano to execute some recipes without using the current path because recipes operate on gems. Recipes do not, however, completely ignore the current directory, but instead use it for optional customization. Customization is not limited to a deployment recipe from the current directory but can be environment-specific across multiple sites if they each have a special extension gem installed.


We use a bunch of ruby scripts at RHG for deployment and delivery of our numerous applications and shared component. When we started preparing some of that functionality for a public release, we needed to provide a way to customize the scripts. Warren Konkel suggested to migrate them to Capistrano since it was the most familiar tool for rails developers and it has a recipes hierarchy that can be used for customization. So, we wrote the plugem command tool that feeds its parameters to Capistrano via!
after loading its own recipes.

The Code

    1 module Capistrano
2 class Configuration
4 alias :standard_cap_load :load
6 def load(*args, &block)
8 standard_cap_load(*args, &block)
10 if args == ["standard"]
12 load_plugem_deploy_recipes(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../..')
14 begin
15 require 'plugems_deploy_ext'
16 load_plugem_deploy_recipes(PLUGEMS_DEPLOY_EXT_DIR) # Overriding from extensions
17 rescue Exception
18 # No extension is loaded
19 end
21 end
23 end
25 def load_plugem_deploy_recipes(dir)
26 Dir[File.join(dir, 'recipes', '*')].each { |f| standard_cap_load(f) }
27 end
29 end
30 end

Ignoring lines 14-19 for now, all it does is inject the plugem deployment gem recipes to Capistrano. They are now available for execution by Capistrano. So when I call plugem update my_app it is being translated to cap plugem_update -s plugem_name=my_app(we use the plugem_ namespace for tasks and variables to avoid clashing with standard recipes). Since loading of plugem recipes is purposely not handled via the -f flag of capistrano, the standard deployment recipes like config/deploy.rb are still being loaded.


The package is extending Capistrano but we wanted it to be customized too. For example, you might want to define your own list of gem servers to download gems from. Capistrano allows to define recipes per project, user, or host. The plugems_deploy takes it a step further and provides a way to customize it per deployment environment, which might contain many hosts. It does this by expecting an optional plugems_deploy_ext gem to be installed on a system (lines 14-19). If it finds the extension gem, it loads recipes from there overriding the default ones.


Capistrano is not only a great deployment tool, it can be used as a base of highly-customizable general purpose tools.

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